


Motamed Cancer Institute offers a wide range of training courses as well as specific workshops in different fields related to Medical Sciences and Cellular and Molecular Biology.

Conducting such scientific courses for public along with academicians, clinicians and laboratory personnel is aimed to be a step towards improving awareness of the society against cancer and its consequences.


Breast Health Education

Together with our outreach partners, we're empowering women to take control of their health by educating them about their body and providing important breast cancer resources


As part of national programs against Breast Cancer in I.R.Iran, Motamed Cancer Institute have a great contribution in expanding public education for Iranian women and training them for prevention, early detection and effective treatments of Breast Cancer. In this regard, Motamed Cancer Institute continuously conducts public education programs along with variety of events about Cancer Care, in particular Breast Cancer.

Motamed Cancer research Institute in partnership with Breast Cancer Clinic, ACECR, attempts to increase public awareness against Breast Cancer, specially for prevention, early detection and required cares and induce hope to the patients. Programs hosted by our institute are available on the website.