The approach of ACECR is to take on difficult and pending projects

According to the public relations report of ACECR Academic Cancer Research Institute, Dr. Sarami Forushani, referring to the opening of the second provincial center of the National Network for the Prevention, Control and Treatment of Women's Cancer in Zahedan province, said: Sistan and Baluchistan, according to the indicators of the network, in the evaluation and ranking of the provinces for the location of the centers Provincial specialization, especially in terms of the minimum physical space and the necessary expert staff, was not among the first priorities of the network, but the determination and follow-up and the very good empathy and coordination that existed between the officials and various institutions at the provincial level, left no doubt that the second specialized center of the network would be set up. In this talented, rich but underprivileged province, it will effectively help to promote the goals and plans of the national network in the southeast of the country.
He clarified: In addition to spending huge sums of money from non-governmental sources, hundreds of people-hours have been spent on detailed planning and defining and creating infrastructure to set up a specialized network center in Zahedan city.
Referring to the high prevalence of breast cancer as the most common cancer in the country, Dr. Sarami emphasized: women's cancers, especially breast cancer, are completely cured if diagnosed and treated on time, but if there is a delay in diagnosis and treatment, the individual and the family will suffer, that’s why they face serious problems, this is the issue that doubles the importance of awareness and proper access of all women to early cancer detection facilities and the necessity of geographical expansion of the national network for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of women's cancer.
The head of Motamed Cancer Research Institute, ACECR, stating that the issue of prevention and control of women's cancer in the country's health system, which unfortunately focuses more on treatment than health and disease prevention, remains one of the most important issues on earth, declared: Since ACECR plays within the field when an important work is remained to be completed and the trustee has no work to do. With the understanding of the vital need to deal with the prevention and control of women's cancer, we formulated a comprehensive plan in this field. In that regard, Mrs. Dr. Sheikhi, head of the health diplomacy and healthy lifestyle faction of the parliment, who has valuable experience in the field of women's cancer, while participating in the technical aspects of the project with the cooperation of Dr. Shahriari, the head of the health and treatment commission, and other members can help. They paid attention to the approval of this plan so that this plan was approved by the decisive vote of the members of parliament and was promulgated in the form of a law. Being entrusted with the responsibility of setting up the national network for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of women's cancer to this research institute as a national mission that was another sign of the trust and confidence of the nation's representatives in the ACECR, which was a source of honor and a further motivation for strong movement in this direction, but unfortunately, we encountered many obstacles during the process.
He pointed out that, contrary to expectations, these obstacles were not due to budget restrictions, but mostly due to bureaucratic conditions, cumbersome regulations, and sometimes the non-cooperation of responsible agencies, which slowed down the process of setting up the network due to reasonable or unreasonable technical reasons.
The head of Motamed Cancer Research Institute, ACECR, noted: Despite all the difficulties, we managed to completely renovate the specialized polyclinic facilities of the research institute in Tehran as the mother center of the network by attracting non-governmental sources and purchasing the best equipment, and then, we opened the first provincial center of the network in Khuzestan.
Referring to the official opening of the provincial center of women's cancer diagnosis, control and treatment network in Zahedan at the beginning of this December, Sarami stated: the good efforts and empathy of the officials of Sistan and Baluchistan province, including the governor and president of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, and Dr. Shahriari's repeated follow-ups in order to Obtaining permits and providing facilities for setting up the second network center in Zahedan has given us a lot of motivation and hope that we can tackle bureaucratic problems and obstacles in other provinces as well.
The head of the Women's Cancer Research Institute emphasized that the research institute's policy in managing the national network of diagnosis, control and treatment is such that this important mission is the responsibility of the ACECR to achieve the final result, and stated: We can, without imposing a burden on the government, build and equip various provincial centers of the network so that we plan to launch the North Khorasan provnce center and the Semnan provincial center in the next few weeks so that hopefully, we can increase the number of provincial centers of the network to at least five by the end of the year without relying on government resources.
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