

What is Lymphedema?

Lymphedema is referred to as the accumulation of protein-rich liquid (lymph) in the tissues, due to perturbations in draining it. Body fluids are basically moved through the blood and lymph circulation systems. Blood capillaries are releasing water, protein and other substances into the intercellular space. Most of the water and substances taken out of the capillaries are reabsorbed into the veins and enter the blood circulation again, but the large protein molecules are not able to pass through the vein wall. Therefore, along with some water, they enter the lymphatic vessels and get drained through the lymph circulation system. The lymph liquid passes through the lymph nodes and finally enters the blood circulation system near the heart. If the lymphatic system is not able to move the lymph fluid due to reasons such as blockage in this path, water and proteins accumulate in the tissues, which is called lymphedema.

Compiled, written and translated by:

Dr. Ahmad Fazilat

Faculty member, Dept of Genetics, Motamed Cancer Institute, ACECR