شماره دوم از جلد چهارم ژورنال (MCI) Multidisciplinary Cancer Investigationمنتشر شد
متن خبر مورد نظرشماره دوم از جلد چهارم ژورنال (MCI) Multidisciplinary Cancer Investigationمنتشر شد.
به گزارش روابط عمومی پژوهشکده سرطان معتمد، در این شماره ۶ مقاله با عناوین زیل منتشر شده است:
- Application of E-visit and E-services in Reducing the Suffering of COVID-۱۹ (SARS-CoV-۲) and Increasing the Therapeutic Adherence of High- Risk Patients
- Does the Platelet Index Have a Guiding Role in the Association of Cancer and Pulmonary Thromboembolism?
- Comparison of Chemoradiotherapy and Radical Radiotherapy in Patients With Cervical Cancer
- The Effectiveness of Group-Based Compassion- Focused Therapy on Depression, Anxiety and Improving the Quality of Life in Women With Feminine Cancers
- Chromosomal Rearrangements of RET/PTC in Post-Chernobyl Thyroid Cancer
- Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma and the Cutting Edge of Nanotechnology
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